Romy's Uthgard 2.0 Collection


Uthgard Herald

For your daily dose
of Realm versus Realm.

Uthgard Character Builder

Featuring Old Frontier Realm Abilities.

Uthgard 2.0 Bestiary

A bestiary of monsters and items database
for the Dark Age of Camelot
freeshard Uthgard.

Uthgard 2.0 Templates

Character templates (spellcraft & drops) for
many classes on Uthgard 2.0

More Links
Valmerwolf's Maps for DAoC
Tekener's DAoC Maps
Snapshot of (just before New Frontiers)
Realm Ranks (Disorder)
DAoC Races, Resistances, Classes (Allakhazam)
Item Utility Calculation (Camelot Herald)
Hibernia XP Items (Phoenix Server)
Spellcraft-O-Matic (Allakhazam)
The Olde Apothecary (Guide to DAoC Alchemy)
Dyes & Colors (Official DAoC website), Dye Chart (Allakhazam)